Thursday, November 11, 2010


"I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound." Philippians 4:11
I've been (and still am) struggling with contentment and patience a lot lately. In everyday issues... In new doors surrounding me... In renting... In obtaining enough professional experience... In growing up... This verse has been ingrained in my mind from my elementary school years. So why on earth can't I "get" it and apply it? When I even consider comparing my life to what Paul was dealing with, I am consumed with guilt. I am so blessed to have a job, a home, food on the table, gas in my paid off vehicle, and so many other things. Paul had nothin'. Yet he was content. He was happy. He was satisfied.

I have my good days. Like today when I had an exciting success at work. But the other days, the not-so-happy days, seem to occur more often. Sometimes they are called for. Sometimes they are not - like a bad hair day or a plain ole bad attitude.

I must force myself to maintain perspective and remember what the important things in life really are. Family. Relationships. I must focus on the good.

To help with that, I found another encouraging word. This one from Billy Graham:

"This is the secret to living a life of happiness. As long as we have the assurance that Jesus Christ is in control, no trial is so great, no tempest so overwhelming, no crisis so crushing that He will not supply what is needed to weather the storm." -Storm Warning, p. 28

In what areas are you struggling with contentment and patience?

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